Products I use Sell and why

This is a List of Products I Use and or Sell and why I use them and why I think they are the Top of the line

Do you have a product you would like me to test and review?

I sell and use Laporte Clay Target  throwing traps
Down load 2011 Brochure.

Laporte in my opinion makes the Number one trap in the world for the following reasons.
1st) is the patented Target holding finger which keeps the target held in the same place each and every time which means the target flight will be in the same every time and making it the most consistent clay target  trap on the market. 
2nd) with the target finger you will be able to tilt the trap from side to side so when the target is thrown you will be able to curl the target to give the shooter a bigger target to shoot either the bottom or the top not just a edge. 
3rd) is the target feeding is the smoothest on the market, by having no pressure on the target which means less target breakage.
4th) Having a cast frame holds up better than any formed metal painted frame, common sense would tell you that.
5th) the motors and gear boxes are top of the line and the gear boxes are able to be rebuild if something does go wrong.
yes they have a down side when you use the Laporte trap, When you use  Laporte traps you will get spoiled with them by having the target in the same place every time and having more top or bottom.
Yes my friends there are lots of other traps out on the market. But I look at this way. The National head quarters in San Antonio, TX and the Olympics use Laporte as well as almost every world cup event on the planet so that is good enough for me and my friends. (see test on throwing arm)

I have tried every kind of shooting glasses on the market and what works for me with my old eyes are the Randolph Engineering  Ranger XLW 
When I shoot I am looking for a pair shooting glasses and color that brings out the color of the target and makes it stand out from the background, surrounding trees and terrain.  With 14+ colors there is going to be a color that will work for you.
I sell the complete line of Randolph and would be happy to help you find a set of shooting glasses that you will be happy with and will work well for you.
I have tried the wileyX glasses, 
NYX  inexpensive and good shooting glasses, they do scratch a little on the easy side but they have a large range of colors to choose from. I would sell these but only have so much room.

I have tried the Pilla line and I even use a pair as sunglasses, But try as I may they just do not work for me, yes they do make every thing look in HD but they don't bring out the target. 
Oakley are overpriced shooting glasses but they look cool and the kids love that and who can say they never heard of Oakley.

Sporting Clays Guns
 What can I say other than Krieghoff
The owners of Battle Born Sporting Clays all own Krieghoff
If you are looking for a top of the Line Target Gun. #1 hands down is Krieghoff. For reliability and Customer support. I would send you to Talk with John and tell him I sent you.
There are many other target guns on the market from Beretta, Browning, Perazzi, Blaser,Remington and Kolar. All make fine guns, And just like anything else you use, it is all about what you like what feels good to you and what you can afford.

There are many after market chokes.
I use Krieghoff and Extreme. They have great service and they are great to work with (Extreme Chokes) (Pure Gold)
Vandy uses the Pure Gold and likes them, it does take a we bit longer to clean them (Briley) I have used the thin walled extend chokes in my Kemen  and really like them.
You will need to try out and see what works best in your gun and with your loads and for the game you play

Ear Plugs
This is a must if you are shooting any clay sports. I use ESP Digital Shooters Electronic Hearing Protection Earplugs when I teach or if I am hunting and the


CR1 Custom Recreational Earphones when I am shooting, they help me to keep my mind from thinking to much and helps me with my filching issue.
EAR also makes very good Earphones

I just found this item it is called ATVAIR you can fill a flat or low tire on your ATV or Sidexside with the exhaust from the ATV or side by side. I will let you know how it works.
Give it a go and let me know what you think.. 


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