So June 2012 is here. I finally shot my first reg shoot last Sunday at Birds in Ca.. High was a 96, I shot a 87, I started off running first 4 stands, than dropped one on each stand and had trouble with shooting in front of a few targets and than the wind which really kicked up cost me a few. First shoot of the year..I was not unhappy.
I was able to shoot the NV state shoot at Carson Valley gun club in Gardernville. I had the honor of shooting with some very good shooters and my friends from Ca Chris Stevens and Brono L. they where great to shoot with. I got to shoot the 50 target fitasc the prelim and the main with them. For some reason I started to flinch very bad on Sunday and that cost me any chance of winning anything. Oh well I enjoyed shooting with my wife who won the ladies class without a problem.
Before I left for HI with the shoot for a cure shoot crew. We got to shoot at Quail Point in northern Ca. I really enjoy shooting that this club! Matt does a great job of setting targets high was Andy H from Reno with a 90 I shot a 88, I was a wee bit disappointed but I started out very bad and came on strong in the end..
As I have said I started out the year shooting well, But ran into a brick wall at the US Open.
It has taken me months to get back on track. With much help and new ear plugs so I can jam with the tunes and keep my mind busy and my flinching has cut down to almost nothing.
Browning Briley March 4-6
See write up for Shoot. I shot ok it was a wee bit hard to get started on fri and only shot a 81, did not run stands like I am used to doing. The Main on Fri (purple) was kind of the same, but looking at the scores a 60/66 was high and I had a 56 if I was able to adapt faster I feel a 61 would have been good. We shot the gold sat with a 53/66 in the rain only a small issue with stand six's 90 but I will work it that target. Sunday was Green I think it was the hardest or maybe it was just the way I shoot with a 56/68 the double teal on stand 9 and 5 where a butt kicker to me, more to work on LOL
Fitasc was at a whole not bad but I had two brain fades where I did not get into the gun and messed up about 8 targets,,
I will use that as a learning experience.
Feb 6th weekend 2011
See write up for AZ open. I shot well on fri with a 92 getting 3 punches and some AA points. Sat my head was in the wrong place and shot a 85 brought it back a wee bit on Sun with a 91.
Fitasc took me a while to get on track 3 layouts in fact LOL But I did shoot a 23 on last layout than I was ready to start over,
Shot 5-stand on Sat with a whole 18 on 1 and a 24 on 2,, my last time I will ever shoot 5-stand, I just never have any fun shooting it. For now LOL
Sept 28th
See write up in tournament reviews for AZ Shoot, I finished in the top 10 so any time that happens I am happy, But I always feel I could have shot better.
Sept 20th
Man on man still got the finches had about 3-4 on Sun at Birds shoot, Ended the day well but we will see what happens at AZ state this weekend.
Sept 11th
We want to Ca at Joe P invite to shoot Helice, only had one finch and that was in practice. Shot a 23 tied Bill H for 2nd lost by 1 to a Dave A. All in all a good day all three of us took more money home than what we came with so it was all good!
June 22
Still working on dry firing, it seems to be working, We leave Thursday to shoot the TX State Shoot.. Very excited about shooting in this Shoot, We are shooting Fitasc .prelim, Main and 5-stand oh and we are taking the 28ga fun fun!
shot a 8