Friday, March 25, 2011

March 25th

Man will this weather ever get better??? I am starting to go a wee bit stir crazy. Can't shoot can't work at Battle Born. I did finish doing taxes and getting ready to ship them off. And sorted all my business cards.. I know it was a exciting time LOL but I have been trying to get around to it sooner than latter.
I think the weather is going to get better I hope!!! We are going to try and make it to Carson Valley sunday to shoot a wee bit of skeet.
Than next week off to Birds for lesson on Friday the 1st than shooting in their tournament on Sat with some lesson Sat afternoon and Sunday.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9th

Just got done with 3 weeks of tournaments. Need a wee bit of a brake to practice this Sat. Than off to birds on Sun.
Vandy got her new gun and we will set it up for her and have her shoot a bunch. Getting fired up for the trip to Arg SA end of April.