Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wow I have been gone a long time.. Sorry..I am getting into the shooting year already.. We have done three shoot for a cure events already one a Boy Scout shoot at Quail Point in Northern CA, the next was at Moore and Moore down by L.A. and the last one was in Austin Tx (man oh man was it windy)
Ok that was the last few months in a nut shell.
Now for the rest of the year. Sunday the 21st of April I am off to St. George Ut. to set the Ut. state shoot. I will be home on the 28th late pack up the dogs the side x side (I hope) and off to Ca to set targets for the Ca state shoot.
I will bring back traps to Battle Born in Nv than packing up a bunch of clothes Riley and my rain gear than up to Or to manage a range for friends.. more on that later..